Sermon Recap – Worship Every Day, Hour, Second


Worship Every Day, Every Hour, Minute & Second

The following Sermon is rooted in Romans 12:1-2.
This sermon is part one of a five week sermon series called “The Heart of Worship”


Colossians 4:2-6

Mid Week Devotional


Salt & Light (Recap)

Every Monday I will be posting a sermon recap/review of the sermon that was preached the day before. This is my way of emphasizing the main points of the sermon. Further, this will help us be mindful of living out the sermon throughout the week. God Bless all of you! ~Rev. Kendell Linh Healy


Adding a Blog to the Website

Right now, I’m in the process of learning my way around how the Grace-Lynnwood website is structured. Unsurprisingly, it is a bit different than the format I am used too. In other words, I’m working under the hood (all that stuff that the viewers “you” are unable to see — thank goodness for that right. Well, I noticed that the Blog portion of the website was not being used, so I went ahead and set one up. What is a blog? It simply means a web log. In other words, its the internet version of what I’ve always known to be a journal or diary entry. What does this mean for the people at Grace-Lynwood? The Grace-Lynnwood Blog will be a place where announcements will be made, upcoming sermon plans can be introduced and sermon recaps, which I plan to begin this evening. Is there anything you have to do or learn? Nope! Just stop by the website and you’ll see the most recent “Blog” entries . . . . I mean – “Journal” entries.

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Salt & Light

On June 30th 2024, Rev. Kendell Healy was welcomed to Grace-Lynnwood UMC. His first sermon was on Salt & Light.
